Monkey Fist vs Dog Bone Soft Shackles: A Strength Comparison

In superyacht rigging, reliability and strength are essential. Soft shackles are widely used as lightweight, high-strength alternatives to traditional metal shackles, but their performance varies depending on their design. This comparison examines the strength differences between two common types, the monkey fist soft shackle and the dog bone soft shackle, through destructive testing.

Monkey Fist

A monkey fist soft shackle is a DIY solution based on a traditional knot. It consists of a rope loop with a tightly tied monkey fist knot acting as a stopper. The strength of this shackle depends on several factors, including the quality of the rope, the tightness of the knot and the skill of the person making it. Because of these variables, its performance can be inconsistent, making it less suitable for high-load applications.

Soft Shackles

Dog Bone Soft Shackle

A dog bone soft shackle is a professionally made design featuring a high-strength rope with spliced and tapered eyes at each end, secured by a solid elongated stopper resembling a dog bone. This construction provides a more uniform distribution of load and ensures predictable strength ratings. Unlike a DIY monkey fist, a dog bone soft shackle is engineered for high performance and reliability, making it the preferred choice for demanding applications.

Soft Shackles

Destructive testing measures the maximum load a shackle can withstand before failure. The test involves gradually increasing the applied force until the shackle breaks. Key variables such as rope material, diameter and construction technique are kept consistent to ensure an accurate comparison. Results show that dog bone soft shackles consistently outperform monkey fist shackles, offering higher breaking strength and greater reliability.

In superyacht rigging, selecting the right shackle is critical. Safety and reliability are top priorities, and using the strongest and most consistent equipment reduces the risk of failure. While a monkey fist shackle may be adequate for light-duty tasks, a dog bone shackle is the better choice for high-stress applications. Professionally made rigging solutions adhere to strict safety standards, ensuring performance in offshore and yacht environments. Choosing tested and reliable equipment is essential for maintaining safety and efficiency in challenging marine conditions.

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